Miranda State Anthem

Himno del Estado Miranda
English: Miranda State Anthem

Miranda coat of arms

Regional anthem of

Lyrics Jacinto Áñez
Music Germán Lira
Adopted 1909

The anthem of the Miranda State, Venezuela, has lyrics by Jacinto Áñez; and music composed by Germán Lira. Is in honor to Venezuelan warrior Francisco de Miranda. Adopted as official anthem of the state on December 22, 1909, and released on March 28, 1909, at the commemoration of the 159th anniversary of the birth of Francisco de Miranda. The ceremony was hosted by the head of the government state, General O. Pérez Bustamante. On December, 1909, the anthem was formalized, during the unveiling of a portrait of Francisco de Miranda, at the Chamber's Executive Office. Completed the act, the event was livened up by the State Band conducted by the composer of the anthem, Germán Ubaldo Lira.



— Coro —
Gloria al héroe inmortal que destaca
Su bizarra figura de la historia
Del cenit en la negra carraca
Como prodiga fuente de gloria.
— I —
Cruza el suelo infecundo
Donde fuerzas arteras
Arrebatan al mundo
Su don de libertad;
No respeta fronteras
En los pueblos que gimen;
Ante el odio y el crimen
Su deber es luchar.
— II —
Si España le fulmina
detrás de sus altares
Inglaterra ilumina
Su sendero inmortal;
Desprecia de los zares
La codicia ofrenda
Por que falta a su tienda
La dulce libertad.
— III —
Francia la abre sus brazos
Despedazado el pecho,
Por que a duros zarpazos
Un trono derrumbó;
Y el humano derecho
Al erguirse triunfante
Vio el esfuerzo pujante
De Miranda en acción.


— Chorus —
Glory to the inmortal hero that makes stand out
His bizarre figure from the history
Of the zenith in the dark Carraca
As a prodigal source of glory.
— I —
Crosses the sterile soil
Where cunning forces
Take away from the world
Its gift of liberty;
He doesn't respect frontiers
In the moaning towns;
Towards hate and crime
His duty is to fight.
— II —
If Spain fulminates him
Behind its altars
England illuminates
His immortal path;
Rejects from the tzars
The greed offer
Because his tent is missing
The sweet liberty.
— III —
France opens its arms for him
Shattered his chest,
Because against hard lashes
A throne demolished;
And the upright human
When erected triumphant
Saw the struggling effort
Of Miranda in action.

See also

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